A US patent was issued for Tactile World's High Resolution Tactile Graphic Display.
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March, 2015
Tactile world received a Chinese patent for Navigation system.
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March, 2014
Tactile World received its fourth US patent regarding navigation on the computer.
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June-Nov, 2013
have been spent contacting various government funding agencies, angels, VC-s and banks.
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June 2013
Matthew Wohl attended the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) convention in Orlando, Florida and presented the Tactile Explorer.
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May 2013
Matthew and Yulia Wohl, traveled to Chicago, IL to make a presentation to NAblement at the Itkan meeting in the Microsoft Technology Center.
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June/July 2012
Matthew and Yulia Wohl spent 3 days as guests on the campus of the world famous Perkins School for the Blind in Watertown, MA.
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October 2011
Hi-Center in Haifa invited Tactile World to join their Business Accelerator
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March 2011
Tactile World Ltd. went to California
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October 2010
Tactile World Ltd. was awarded a SILVER MEDAL in the International Trade Fair in Nurenberg, Germany.
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February 2010
Techshare India 2010 –Bridging the Barriers (New Delhi, India).
Tactile World attended and presented the Tactile Explorer at this year’s Accessibility Conference and Assistive Technology Exhibition.
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December 2009
Jerusalem Post features the Tactile Explorer in its Stellar Startups section.
The conference for “Integrating the Handicapped into the Workforce”.
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November 2009
The Economist publishes article on the Tactile Explorer.
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September 2009
Israel TV Channel 9 presented a news magazine report by Eugenij Erlich.
Tactile Explorer alpha version, presented at the World Innovation Summit 2009.
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January 2009
Tactile World (TW) presents the Tactile Explorer at the ATIA Conference in Orlando.
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According to the World Health Organization there are approximately 314 million
blind and visually impaired people worldwide today; 45 million of whom are blind.
The most recent U.S. Census survey, points out that in the blind community, only one third of those of working age use computers, and only about 20% surf the Internet.
Today only about 30% of blind people of working age are employed. With the work environment becoming progressively more computerized, this percentage is dropping significantly.
There are various factors negatively impacting the integration of the blind into today’s workforce, but the main problem is the inadequacy of information received by the user and the inability of the technology to help the user easily navigate their way through the various toolbars, drop down menus, screen areas, programs and applications.
In addition they have no graphic reading abilities, there is limited user adaptability, and the most common of them, the Refreshable Braille Displays are very expensive averaging $5,000 per unit.
Tactile World technology provides the blind population with easy access to computers when navigating the contents of the screen, simple access to the internet, the ability to see graphics, and the possibility to suit the user’s preferences when reading from the screen. It is the ease and the simplicity of use, the amount of information delivered to the user in a simple and effective way, the ease of being able to navigate to a desired page, area or dropdown menu that makes the difference in how the blind use computers. By helping them to use computers in communication and for modern employment we can change their lives for the better.